HomePays du Giennois’ Cities > CitiesAutry-le-Châtel




Autry le Chatel J PUYO vue du Village
Autry le Chatel J PUYO vue du Village
Crédit photo : J. PUYO.

The Vieux Château (a private château, on the road to Châtillon sur Loire just as you leave the village) is an old medieval castle of which a few remains surrounded by a moat can still be seen. In the 11th century it was the lord of this castle who firmly wished to dominate the region. However, the king at that time, Louis VI Le Gros subjected him, like many others, to his sovereign domination.

“Le Petit Chateau”, elegant home of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries (closed)-proportioned when Madame de Sevigne spent reborn today after restoration. In summer, the gardens will be open to the public on certain days.

The church of St Etienne, with its 59-metre bell tower and inscription on the main porch « LIBERTE-EGALITE-FRATERNITE ".

Lavoir Autry
Lavoir Autry

The washing place to be found at the lower end of the village dates from 1850. Used as a meeting place, the women gathered here with their typical wicker wash basket and chatted while washing their laundry.

Identity card of the municipality

- 1 075 inhabitants
- Mayor : Mr Jérémy NOEL
- Enquiries : 8, rue de la Mairie – 45500 Autry le Châtel
- Tel : 02 38 36 80 59
- Fax : 02 38 36 83 45
- Email : send an email

- Opening to the public of the City Hall hours :
Monday to Friday from 2 pm to 6 pm.

Les communes du Pays du Giennois
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