HomeTourism in Giennois > Package > JourneyRent a boat in the day

Rent a boat in the day


Rent of boat without licence up to 12 persons

Offer yourselves an original day of holidays on the Briare canal or on the side canal in the Loire. To navigate is a children’s game with this boat without licence which allows you to welcome family and friends up to twelve persons.

- Price: from 130 € in the week and 145 € weekend and in July / August
- Duration: 1 day
- Recommended period: in April in October
- Your accommodation: in supplement

The price(prize) includes: the rent of the quite equipped boat, the orders(deposits) of handling.

The price does not include: the fuel (charged on the way back according to the consumption).

Référence Loisirs accueil

- B10 : http://www.reservation-loiret.com


Bateau Aurore Briare - JPG - 100.5 kb
Bateau Aurore Briare
Bateau Aurore Briare - JPG - 98.8 kb
Bateau Aurore Briare
Les communes du Pays du Giennois
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