HomeTourism in Giennois > Package > JourneyCruises ans Traditions in Giennois

Cruises ans Traditions in Giennois


Plunge into the oeuvres of art of the Museum of the earthenware factory of Gien and discover the importance of the relation for the nature. Canals trained for 17th century, ideal place to take advantage of a bucolic stroll will belong to you during a few hours.

- Meeting: 10:30 am to Gien Visit free of the Museum of the earthenware factory. It is in this picturesque frame of a former cellar where the " old factory " stored formerly the dough that the museum presents an important collection of chinas. Free access to the shop of the factory.

- 12:15 pm: have lunch in a restaurant

- 3 pm: cruise - walk (lasted 1:30 pm) from Briare for a stroll on canals including the crossing of the famous Bridge - Canal.

- At the end of the day: at about 4:30 pm

Reference Loisirs accueil

- 11C1 : http://www.reservation-loiret.com


Faïences - JPG - 163.9 kb
Briare Pont Canal - JPG - 169.3 kb
Briare Pont Canal
Faïences - JPG - 194.1 kb
Les communes du Pays du Giennois
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